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Course Description

This one-semester course will introduce students to the various forms of the visual arts, such as painting, sculpture, installation, and more. Students will learn how to look at a work of art, identify and compare key characteristics in artworks, and understand the role art has played throughout history. Through hands-on activities, critique, discussion, and research, learners will develop an overall appreciation for the arts. 


Weekly Participation=25 Points

Students will receive 5 points per day for using their time well and following class procedures. 

Response=10 Points

At the start of class students will respond to a drawing/writing prompt in their notebook. 

Worksheet=15 Points

Practice worksheets will be given throughout lessons to clarify specific techniques and processes. 

Quiz=25 Points

Each unit will have a quiz. Quizzes will summarize the current lesson. 

Final Work=100 Points

Students will create a final artwork as an homage to an artist they discovered over the semester. The artist and work they choose will be completely up to the student. 


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